Aerial Yoga Manual Volume 1 (Paperback)



Aerial Yoga Manual Volume 1 (Paperback)

3rd Edition. Spiral Bound.

With over 300 detailed pictures, this step-by-step manual covers all the basics of a first course in aerial yoga. Pigeon, bow, frog, plank and more than forty other moves are described using the fabric as an assisting tool. Moves are done both in conjunction with the ground and suspended in the air. Designed for both teachers and students, this manual is the perfect reference handbook to have on hand

"I must compliment you on the manuals. I got the beginner book for aerial silks and the aerial yoga volume 1. I started on the aerial silks and I found it so thorough and well set out and am enjoying building on each step learnt." ~K.E., aerial dancer

"I just bought both of your aerial yoga manuals to help me translate my aerial fabric vocabulary into a digestible, easy-to-follow, uber-safe yoga class, and it has been so awesome! Thank you! I'm looking forward to buying the lyra one next. =) "    ~ Luna Bodywork 


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This manual is also available in German! Currently, the german translation is only offered on Here’s the link for Das Aerial Yoga Handbuch Teil 1:

Dieses Handbuch beinhaltet alle Grundstellungen eines Anfänger Kurses in ausführlicher Anleitung. Die Beschreibungen umfassen Taube, Bogen, Frosch, Brettstellung und mehr als 40 weitere Übungen mit dem Aerial Yoga Tuch. Die Bewegungen werden sowohl mit Bodenkontakt als auch in der Luft ausgeübt. Ein hervorragendes Referenzwerk, konzipiert sowohl für Schüler als auch für Lehrer.