Aerial Teachers: Save Yourself! Don’t Demo!

Long time no write! A lot has changed in my life, and yet, at the same time, I’m back to the same ol’ same ol’ stuff of studio ownership and teaching aerial. The biggest difference between the “then” and “now” is that I have downsized dramatically. When COVID and other things changed everything, it was too much to go big, so I’ve gone small. I reopened my studio this year at a new location in Castle Rock, Colorado. 

The space I found was small, and so I put up a truss system that was designed by the amazing Vertical Arts Dance company. (I highly recommend them for helping you set up a truss system and all the rigging that goes with it.)  My truss comfortably fits 4 points, so I have up to 8 people in each class, and I teach all the classes! yikes!

I decided to scale back my program to teach just sling and silks. I used to teach pretty much anything and everything, but that was getting overwhelming, so now it’s just sling and silks. We do throw in the occasional trapeze or hoop into a show, but I don’t hold any major classes on these apparatuses anymore. And I still teach random things in private lessons like cloud swing or gasp–flying pole! (Ok, I don’t actually teach flying pole, but I have a student who comes in and I give artistic coaching as she moves on the pole. It’s really fun to work with!)

My aerial life is pretty simple, and I’m grateful because I have a lot to balance as my kids grow up. I teach sling on Tuesdays and fabric on Thursdays. On Fridays and Saturdays, I teach a blend through private lessons, open gyms, and foundational classes. 

Generally, I teach about 20-25 classes/week, which I consider full-time in the land of aerial! (For comparison, a therapist generally sees clients for this same amount of time, and it is considered a full-time load. The rest of the week is spent in preparation for those hours: writing emails, managing payments/scheduling, etc.) If I were to demonstrate all the skills in all these classes, I would be at a major risk of injury which would jeopardize my entire career at the moment since I am the sole teacher at my little studio, so this article is actually to come on and tell you what is saving my career: NOT demoing anymore!

At a recent teacher training, I was talking about how little I demonstrate when I teach, and the participants couldn’t believe it! They couldn’t fathom how my teaching was still effective without showing all the skills, and I get it. It helps to see the skills done, and see the skills done right. In my demoing days, I enjoyed demonstrating all the skills slow and perfect. It kept ME in pristine aerial condition! I liked going through all the skills and when I walked through the skill myself, I was reminded of all the cues that I couldn’t remember off the top of my head. “Oh yeah, the silk does go around your back here…”

But I am now almost 20 years into this teaching gig (yes, I’m that kind of aerial dinosaur) and it is my sole profession. My body cannot handle the demo-all-the-time routine, but I am SO not ready to be done teaching. At first, I felt like I was going to be a worse teacher because I wasn’t going to demo, but I think I have gotten to be a BETTER teacher. I’d like to share what I’ve learned for all your hard-working teachers that find yourself wanting to teach full-time and know that your body can’t handle demoing that much day in and day out for years on end. 

Lesson #1: When I say I don’t demonstrate, this is a general rule. I DO get up in the air sometimes, so it’s not like I am never in the air ever, but it is rare, and I always have the option to not demonstrate depending on how warmed up I feel that day. I have learned that if my body is not properly warmed up, I will have consequences that are not healthy for my body to endure, so I make sure to have “totally grounded” OR “totally in the air” days. The WORST thing I can do for my body is try to half-and-half it. I end up in the air not really warmed up, and, I don’t know about you, but this just wrecks me.  

Lesson #2: Floorial is better than you give it credit for! Most of my teaching, especially for silks, is done from rolling around on the ground, walking through the skills. My students know that I’m not going to get up in the air and demonstrate so they listen really carefully. It’s true that sometimes it is very confusing as to what I am trying to convey. And yes, it may be easier to just show the skill, but we get through it pretty darn well. And when you do this as a sole method of teaching, let me testify– you get darn good at it, and your students get darn good at paying attention to your rolling-on-the-floor shenanigans.

Lesson #3: Use your students to demonstrate skills. I love asking for “guinea pigs” because my students love being guinea pigs! When I ask for a guinea pig, it’s a special place of honor because you get all the attention and all my corrective feedback. And you get to be the first to do the skill! I love asking “who wants to be my guinea pig?” and seeing tons of hands shoot up into the air. Even if the student doesn’t know the skill, that’s okay! In fact, that’s exactly why I need strong guinea pigs. They have to trust that I will take them into a new skill that they have never done before and be safe about it! 

It’s especially easy to ask for someone to show a skill that is from a previous class or ask someone to show a variation of something. I ask for the whole spectrum of ideas. Having students show me what they remember is always a great starting place for a class, and it doubly serves to demonstrate to the student-who-wasn’t-there what they may have missed. 

To create a strong pool of guinea pigs who are ready to tackle new skills, you must have established a consistent vocabulary. My students are so used to this option, that frequently when I start teaching a new skill, I simply select someone and say something like “start in catchers and we’ll go from there.” They know that I will simply talk them into the skill and off we go.

To get to the point where you have the right words to be able to do this is a skill in and of itself. Many teachers aren’t ready to rely on their words currently because they rely too heavily on demonstrating, and their students have relied on visual learning by watching their teacher. My students rely on vocabulary, and as such, their vocabulary is very strong, making our communication powerful. When they are in the air, I can cue corrections with greater precision than those students who need to “see it one more time and maybe get it next time.” My students have words for what steps they are missing, and everyone in the class can help point it out to them! Example: “You got the wrap around, but not the beat after the wrap around.”

I have seen amazing results when a student is demonstrating and I am giving the words because the words tell what to pay attention to. A strong visual shows the whole picture, but students can get overwhelmed by the whole picture. Breaking it down by major cues tells them what to focus on. “This time, focus on opening your chest.”….”Now, focus on lifting your hips.” If I just say “do it like this”, sometimes students aren’t really sure what “this” is. The only ones learning with pure demo-sessions are the good mimickers, but this doesn’t cater to everyone’s learning style. By branching out like this, I have seen many students excel because they do well at other learning styles. And the mimickers can at least still mimic other students.

Lesson #4: I use video rarely. I use it more in private lessons, when there is just one person and it makes sense to hover around a screen together. But with a large group of 8 people, I don’t have a screen available for that. My largest screen is my phone. To give you an idea, in the past 8 weeks of teaching, I gathered a class around my phone one time to watch a video of myself executing a drop with the way that I wanted it to look. Everyone had already been doing the drop–they had the wrap, and they were dropping just fine, but they were floppy, and no one was getting my cues on how to clean it up. I thought that a visual might be helpful, so I had the class gather at my phone and watch the video. The great irony of it was that it didn’t change anyone’s form! In the end, I needed to find new cues. After thinking it out, I tried a new cue and it worked! The video didn’t even help, finding better cues was the answer all along! 

Lesson #5: I use an aerial doll with her own silk or sling, but very rarely (even more rare than using screens). I use it more in private lessons for the same reasons as above. So far, “aerial barbie” has yet to make an appearance at my new studio, but I am thinking of bringing her in next week because there are some games that I like to play which incorporate her help. I much prefer to be the live Barbie, even if I am just rolling around on the floor. For sling, I bring in a loop and I move the loop around me while I roll around the floor, since all my slings are up off the ground. The loop is a thin piece of silks, about 10 feet long. I hold it up on me as if I am in the air, and then I show from the ground what to do. 

Lesson #6: I will get up and demonstrate anything that doesn’t use arms/grip. My arms are the body part most susceptible to overuse injury, but I will typically jump in on the demonstrations that are all core, such as side back balance in sling. I haven’t gotten anywhere close to an overuse injury on core, so count me in for core! However, this is still, is pretty rare. 

Lesson #7: I do tend to need to demonstrate things for classes that are full of 100% beginners, so I keep my schedule light on these classes. When I do teach them, I make sure to do the warm-up with everyone. I use my other muscles (core, legs, knee pitts, etc) as much as possible while keeping it light on the arms. Afterall, this is good for anyone starting aerial as well. It is important not to overdo it on the arm-work for a new student, so this helps remind me to keep it light. 

Lesson #8: I saved my favorite lesson for last! The best thing about not demonstrating skills is that it highlights my students as the featured aerialists of the hour, not me! Oftentimes, my students will start to explore a skill in a new and interesting direction because they didn’t know what the skill was “supposed” to look like, but that new direction blooms new choreographic options! In fact, not having the “perfect” pathway modeled means that they have to trust me to say when they got the skill — they are less judgmental on themselves. When I used to demo, I heard this a lot “But you did this, and I don’t think I look like that.” They were comparing themselves to me. I was the standard. Now, the standard is when I say so, and I am actually a lot less critical than people are of themselves! I get to encourage students that they got the “next important step” and aerial is about picking it up one step at a time, not trying to pick up all 5 million steps in one go, although I know those over-achievers sure try!

Often I say this line in class: “That wasn’t what I had in mind, but please save that as another option and we will come back to that and explore it.” And we do! I don’t just say that. I follow up, circle back and explore the other options that exist within a move, and it was often something they “accidently” found on the way to figuring out what I was trying to convey. But, in the end, what I am trying to convey is that you can do a million things with a piece of cloth hanging from the ceiling, so let’s have fun exploring all the things we can fit into the classtime!

My students have far more air-time in each class because I am not taking up my own time getting up and down for demonstrations. I value their time and want to maximize use. I appreciate how in-tune my students are to my language, and they can often follow me through an entire sequence with just words! I value that kind of teacher-student relationship, and I hope that this has helped you see the value that extends beyond the mere benefit of saving your body from wreckage. If I was superhuman, I would demo more, but the reality of life is that it is better for my longevity if I don’t, and my students do gain benefits as well. 

When a student, who is newer to my teaching, asks “Can I watch you do this skill?”, I politely say “I really wish I could, but unfortunately, I am not warmed up enough right now to do it.  We can watch another student in the class do the skill.” OR I will demonstrate the next-best-thing from the ground. Eventually, it all works out. My studio is a thriving little endeavor, and I am really happy with it. 

I absolutely love teaching. I love teaching far more than writing blogs, no offence. (Although blog writing is a lovely break from teaching and I do appreciate being in reflective-mode.) I want to continue to teach for at least another decade, who knows?! While my body may be getting over aerial now, I know that it is not the end of my teaching career. And there are days when I still bust out quite the routine, just not in class — it’s in my own time. 🙂

You can watch the video below to view a sample of me teaching a sling class. It is sad how little I move. I do feel myself slowly deteriorating out of shape, however, this has been what is necessary to trade in a longer career in teaching. It has become all the more important that I have my own practice and my own workouts because I really don’t move much in class, but it works! Happy Flying ~ Rebekah

PS: I had to turn off comments because my spam filters aren’t working. (Don’t mind the 3,000 comments I have on the last couple blogs.) I would LOVE to still hear your thoughts and feedback. What do you think about not demoing as much? Do you find it possible? Please go to our Facebook page to share your thoughts on this article: or drop a line to me at Thanks all!

2021 Reflections (Part 2): A Sling Book

The Aerial Sling Manual Vol2 was released in 2021.

One of the biggest highlights for my career last year was the release of The Aerial Sling Manual Volume 2. I released it in the summer time and saw great sales thanks to supports from this website and my Instagram channel (@borntoflycurriculum). “Great sales” is relative as my aerial influence is quite small, but in terms of the sales my books normally see, I was thrilled with the outcome. I was also thrilled with the feedback. So many aerialists are tagging me on social media with what they were able to uncover after soaking in the material from the book. I also launched some online courses based on the chapters of the book that were highly successful. I definitely feel most at-home on sling and I think that really showed through this book and the courses that I ran last year.

Below is the introduction from inside the book in order to give you a complete overview of what you can find in this book. More than any other book I have ever created, I coined new terms for the skills. While many other apparatuses were already established by the time I wrote my book on the topic, sling has not been well-formed, and the language on it is very sparse and inconsistent. I did my best to create a consistent vocabulary that helps to tackle the skills and break them down. Many readers will have a hard time adapting the “newness” of the language, as I can almost guarantee that it is different from your local studio (unless your local studio includes me as your teacher), but once you get immersed in this version of sling, you may find yourself making connections that were on the tip of your aerial brain but not quite clear until the language was able to articulate them for you.

I also released a special sling workshop into my video library in December 2021, but it was available for a limited time. It was a great overview of the material included in the summary below. I plan on releasing a few more bonus workshops into my video library this year, so stay tuned! I announce them in my newsletters which are coming out about once every couple months. Double check that you are on the current mailing list (available to members only).


This book starts off with some conditioning drills in Chapter One. I find drills a very important part of each class, especially inversion work here in Level 2. Regular practice of these will allow the body to grow and maintain strength. Just make sure to keep enough variation in your practice to keep the muscles “guessing”, allowing the mind to stay involved in your training and prevent ruts from growing too strong. Chapter One also includes some foundational vocabulary and other odds and ends that are appropriate when beginning Level 2.

Chapter Two covers arabesques in a brand new way that I created in order to help establish consistent vocabulary for the various ways a body could lean to one side in the sling. The main two types of arabesques are front arabesque and back arabesque. Back arabesque is popular on fabric, where you commonly see it used in conjunction with things like crossback straddle. In sling world, front arabesque is actually the shining start when it comes to crossback straddle (which is the topic of Chapter Eight). Chapter Two also covers running man, as many of the entries fall out easily from arabesques.

Chapters Three & Four cover the pair of reverse skills: catcher’s and seatbelt, respectively. The whole world of sling can be split right down the middle into catcher’s-land and seatbelt-land, and I find it important to juxtapose these two topics for comparison discussions. Chapter Four also covers the hip corset topic, which is where catcher’s and seatbelt are united into one skill together.

Chapter Five is all about getting off your hands for a moment and getting upside-down on your knees and ankles. I cover ankle hangs and knee hangs mainly in this chapter. I tried to further stay off the hands in Chapter Six by spending time around the hips with another pair of reverse skills: side back balance and hip key. Side back balance is one of my favorite skills, so that got a bit more emphasis.

Chapter Seven covers beats and drops. Building a foundation is so important for me that I tend to push drops far back into the curriculum, so there are not as many drops as one might typically expect for this point in the curriculum. Nevertheless, you should find all the classics here.

As I mentioned earlier, Chapter Eight covers crossback straddle. It also covers a hodgepodge of skills from fabric. One important topic here is “high catcher’s,” which will be developed more in Level 3.

By the end of Level 2, my expectations for students is that they have a good grasp of a wide range of topics. They should also have super clean inversions, so don’t neglect those drills! What you can look forward to after this level is a season of building harder skills as well as diving deeper into the complexities of sling. But, no hurry. Enjoy the journey!


You can download the digital version or purchase the paperback from this website. (Sorry, we only ship to USA addresses — if you live internationally, please email to request them to put it in their shop so that you can purchase it.)

One great perk of the digital download is that there are LINKS to all the videos from the video library, which is extremely handy for seeing the skill played out when you need that extra visual reminder. Please note that the video library is sold separately and the videos themselves do not come with the book. This is often a point of confusion. They are linked but they are two separate products: the book is one product. The video library is it’s own product. They are designed to work together, but we don’t sell them together. Sorry! However, if you email us ( and ask nicely, we’re always happy to let new members trial a membership if they bought a download and want to peak into our library to see what all the fuss is about. Mention this blog. 🙂

Want to save 10% on your purchase? Make sure that you are logged in to your membership account (which is free, although the free version doesn’t include the video library). All members automatically save 10% on their cart when they are logged in to make a purchase.

Thank you so much for all the support. I am really excited to start work next year on more books. Currently, my top three projects are a Trapeze Manual, Fabric Vol3 and Sling Vol3. Facebook message me to tell me which book you think I should work on next!

2021 Reflections (Part 1): A Sling Performance

I wrote a blog on my studio closing last year, but it got spammed so bad I had to take it down. No worries. 2021 was a hard year, as many can relate. Ever since 2020, it seems like every year has been hard. Heavy. Weighted. For various reasons for various people. For me, 2021 brought an unexpected end to my lease. I thought it would renew. My landlord thought not, so I was out of a studio. It was hard, but it was what was meant to be.

Before I closed, Nancy Smith met with me over zoom to chat and invite me to be a part of the faculty for the 23rd annual Aerial Dance Festival. I was thrilled and honored to say yes!! This festival was the very setting in which I first learned aerial. It felt full circle. It was my “Sweet 16” of aerial years and it was a great pleasure to be invited and teach at the festival this past year. As part of the pleasure of being on faculty, artists have the opportunity to present an aerial piece for the showcase. My studio was closing in less than a month, and my gut response was, “no way.” I had enough on my plate and wasn’t feeling up for creating anything. I wanted to give up, crawl in a hole and have a pity party. But the very moment I had that thought, a counter-thought replied “You need to dance this feeling. You need to give yourself the message that there is HOPE when this is heavy. You will get through this. You HAVE IT IN YOU.”

I found the perfect song: “Got it in you” by Banner and the piece was born. I worked on it for 3 days in my living room, creating the concept and putting together a rough draft at the studio by the end of the 3rd day. I sent off the draft to a few aerial colleagues and asked for feedback. They made some great pointers and helped me improve the piece. The main feedback I heard was to put more of my gut into it when performing, which is no problem for me!

I started the piece in a position of defeat, which was the most natural position in the world. I have my head rested back on a bench, displaying a tired body. My hands are open though, ready to receive from the great divine even though I feel like giving up. As the music starts, I feel my heart awakening as the message calls me. I feel the give and take from my spirit wresting with the coming journey.

You gave all that sweat and blood and you think your gonna drown. Dancing this out was also the most natural thing in the world, explaining how I was feeling after 5 years of studio owning. I had gotten to a point where I was burning fast. The oil in the lamp was low and I was wondering what was coming next. It was divine energy forcing my hand because I would have just kept going, even though I felt like I was drowing.

You can’t tell that you’re bigger than the sea that you’re sinking in. This took me aback. Woa. Maybe in all this leadership experience, I had grown my spirit. Outgrown my current place.

You don’t know what you got, but you got it at your fingertips. This is the motif of the piece. I danced out the realization of seeing something there that perhaps I didn’t realize. Something that had grown strong amidst the struggle. I think about how the easy, comfortable things in life are not how you grow. You grow through the things that are difficult. You grow by doing things that seem hard, that feel impossible, that make you feel like you’re in over-your-head. This is how you learn to swim. This was my rising moment in my spirit. Now, I just have to swirl it up in my body and start to live it.

Soon, I run over to the bench where I started with my downcast spirit and I leap up onto it. I’m no longer feeling defeated. I’m starting to believe that maybe there is some strength there after all. Maybe not just something left-over from being burned, but something that is being revealed because all else was burned away. I start to reach for something new, something totally different.

[Sidenote: During the run right before this one, I accidently smacked my ankle on the bench so hard, I thought it was broken. I did this last run before we closed for the night because I wasn’t going to be walking to my car anyway. I was going to be crawling. My ankle hurt so bad. I look a bit like I’m losing balance, but this ended up being the best run of the night. I dug deep to pull this off, that’s for sure!]

No one ever told you this would be so hard. Another line I felt deep in my spirit. I was going through more than just a studio closure at this time in my life. I was dealing with tendinitis in my shoulder and major lung-health issues that were causing me deep grief in my spirit. I was struggling with the thoughts of wondering if my career in aerial was closing. What this it? But I still felt like I had so much left to dance. So much left to get out in this body. But it felt impossible.

Dealing with these dark thoughts, I knew I would have to reach even higher to get out. I needed to grab a lifeline. I needed a rope from heaven to climb. I needed to look inward to find that strength to make the climb upward. That’s when I return to the bench and grab the sling for the first time. This is the turning point. I’m going to summon the strength from the divine deep within me to connect to something that is no longer connected to the ground, but to heaven. Not to the depths but from above. This is going to be different. There is new hope.

Nobody else’s words can define you. Maybe you don’t see it, but you’re quicker than the world can spin. I have always felt a bit different than everyone else, as we all should. We each reflect a unique aspect of the divine, and that’s what makes us beautiful. Instead of looking for traditional routes for my career and how I “make a living,” I’ll look upwards for that. I’ll let my prayers spiral upwards (sling twirling around me), as I find who I am by looking at who created me.

No one ever told you this would be so hard. This is the moment right before climax of the piece for me. When I look back over my shoulder, I’m looking back at where I was, where I felt like I want to be. I felt like puddling in a clump on the ground until I started sinking into the landscape. I didn’t want to get any eyes on me because I had no energy to handle the pity, the connections or disconnections. I just wanted to start disappearing and fading. But something in me rose up to fight this and say, “no.” My voice means something in this world. My contribution matters. I matter, and how I react in this moment, when I feel like giving up, matters most of all.

So I make the decision. To take the Leap of Faith. To find my voice. Not sure of any what I’m saying, I just start by swinging into the unknown, letting myself ride the wave. I have to release to get there. I have to trust. I have to move with hope. In this, I rise and release the heavy burdens I feel, releasing them to the great Creator that says I am worthy. While there’s still breathe in my lungs, no matter how they feel, I will use them to feed oxygen to my muscles to dance and to celebrate. For I have not faced defeat even when it looks like all odds are against me. I still have a ways to go, but I know I am looking upwards.

This was the last time I danced in this studio. Two weeks later, this rig was completely disassembled and placed in storage where it awaits like a phoenix to rise from the ashes.



Rebekah Leach is the creator of more than 1,000 videos in the video library on this site and the author of 12 fabulous aerial manuals. Check them out here at ( She is the mother of 2 children and lives in Castle Rock, CO.

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