For the creation of the Rope Manual series, I collaborated with Rain Anya of Paper Doll Militia and Allie Cooper. Here’s what Rain has to say about the rope books:
I had such a blast collaborating with Rebekah during the creation process of the Rope Manuals! We explored connections and relationships between foundational wraps, and in the process came across some new and exiting discoveries about the “way of the rope.” After working on this book I can honestly say I have a whole new appreciation and understanding for the simplicity yet never-ending process that rope lends itself to. Continue reading “The Aerial Rope Manual Vol.1 is DONE!”
I knew I had a problem when my fourth grade teacher wrote one comment on my report card. “Rebekah struggles with receiving criticism.” I thought, “How dare she!” I just couldn’t believe that she could say something so negative about me. Of course the irony of my feelings were hitting me at the same time. I knew I was a walking ironic picture when I was angry that someone said I couldn’t take negative feedback well. What did she want to say something negative about? I mean, obviously, I was perfect in every other area. Continue reading “Feedback Form is now OPEN for MAY & JUNE”
Exciting news! The Aerial Yoga Manual Vol.1 is now available in German!
This past year, aerial yogi and translator, Katharina Rinn, has been hard at work at the translation, and it is here and done. This manual is currently only offered on Heads up: Lulu often has sales around the holidays (such as Easter coming up) which would be a good time to snag a deal on this or any of Rebekah’s aerial dance manuals. Here’s the link for Das Aerial Yoga Handbuch Teil 1:…/das-a…/paperback/product-22084754.html

Dieses Handbuch beinhaltet alle Grundstellungen eines Anfänger Kurses in ausführlicher Anleitung. Die Beschreibungen umfassen Taube, Bogen, Frosch, Brettstellung und mehr als 40 weitere Übungen mit dem Aerial Yoga Tuch. Die Bewegungen werden sowohl mit Bodenkontakt als auch in der Luft ausgeübt. Ein hervorragendes Referenzwerk, konzipiert sowohl für Schüler als auch für Lehrer.
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