The Best New Year’s Resolution

The best New Year’s Resolution you can make is to

MOVE. As much as you can.

Every day.


Let me tell you why this is the best thing you can do for your life:

  • You’ll get more flexible. People are always asking me what they can do to make gains in flexibility. Many people are too narrowly focused on stretching to accomplish their goals. While stretching is good, and that is a part of it, stretching alone will not do it. I don’t want to simply stretch out my tendons (which is not healthy and can lead to injury). By focusing on movement in every joint instead of stretching muscles, you’re creating a system that is sustainable and will have longevity.  Remember back to when you were a kid. Do ever remember feeling stiff in your muscles? Or ever being tight? Probably not. And it had nothing to do with your stretching routines. It was because you moved. When you were born, you started crawling as soon as you could. Then you started walking. Then you started running. Then you got shy or lazy about moving. You gave in to the culture around you, joining in the fun of sitting on the couch. Reverse what sitting has done to you. Get up and MOVE.

Continue reading “The Best New Year’s Resolution”

Take This Survey (If you’ve been pregnant)

Calling all aerialists who have been through pregnancy! We want to know what it was like to be you. What sorts of things did you have to change when you found out you were pregnant? What sorts of crazy things were you doing up until the day you gave birth? The crazy thing is that every story is different, so there’s no way I’m looking for a “one-size fits all” story.

By gathering different stories, we can get a glimpse into the unique way that someone who is high on movement approaches pregnancy. For some, it means giving up movement for 9 months. Some feel ready to do this – as they fall in love with the kid that comes at the end of it. For others, pregnancy is a tortuous time. Others find it amazing. Most people experience both emotions and everything in between.

My goal is take all these different perspectives – your perspectives – and add them into the book that is brewing on the editing shelf: the Prenatal Aerial Yoga Manual. Although aerial yoga sequences are the main focus of exercise, the book is an approach to being pregnant as a mover no matter what form of aerial you practice. The book is designed for teachers who are looking for more information about prenatal exercise so they can better coach their pregnant students. And of course, this book is designed for all aerial women who find themselves pregnant – whether it was expected or unexpected – and they are curious about what others before them have experienced.

If you have ever been pregnant and you are an active practitioner of the aerial arts, we invite you to take place in the country’s largest data collection ever attempted on the topic of pregnancy as an aerialist known to this author:

The survey will take a bit of time, so set aside about 20 minutes or more, depending on how thorough you would like to be.

All entries need to be in by January 31, 2016. The results will be in the upcoming book as well as posted on our discussion board for members of

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An Early Year-End Wrap-Up

Hey Everyone!

This is my annual blog to fill you in on what’s been going on here at and what you can expect to see in the coming year.  Things have been a little slow around here lately, but there’s a reason for that.

First, some back-story: For the past four years, I have had a day job – you know the kind that makes a nice predictable income and provides for health care and retirement for your family.  My husband has been taking care of our kids and has been awesome at running this site.  I have worked as an aerialist only on the side. Well, all that is about to change.

My contract of 4 years just came to a close and I am now making the slow and scary transition back to aerialist. only. just. an. aerialist. Well, of course, I’m also a mom and lots of other good things, but as for making any money, it’s down to just one thing. Aerial Dancing. So, this is it. To make it real and make it happen, I will be depending on you – the reader – to buy a book or sign up for a membership. It is wholly unpredictable if you will do that or not. I cannot control that. But I can control one thing – and that is doing what I love.  I am a mover. Through and through and through. I am enthusiastic about staying healthy and keeping my body is prime condition so that I can be free to express myself and create art. I am passionate about helping others achieve the same goal that I chase after. I find satisfaction in connecting to other dedicated people like myself who love their art. So, I am going to keep on doing what I do and pray that the rest will follow. I plan on taking a nice break for the Holidays. After a very busy 4 years, it’s time to take a rest, enjoy hanging out with my daughter and my baby boy. Then I will come back in January refreshed and ready to see where this journey will take me next.

Below is the to-do list. It is quite the beast. I can’t do all of this alone. It will take a team of people, and you are most welcome to be on that team. In fact, we have an open position for a part-time job. More on that below.


  1. Finish the rope videos that go with the manual that was released this past year. Once the videos are all linked up to the book, I will release the digital download version of Rope Volume 1.
  2. Finish the prenatal aerial yoga book. This was a passion project that I worked on while I was pregnant this past year, and I just need to put on the finishing touches. This also has corresponding videos.  HOW YOU CAN HELP: If anyone would like to share their experiences of being pregnant while being an aerialist, please send them along. I would love to share your story in the book!
  3. Start working on the new Aerial Trapeze series! Melissa Roberts of Canopy Studio is my collaboration partner and I am so excited to be starting this project. Trapeze will be the last and final aerial apparatus that I will write books on.
  4. Finish the revision of the Beginning Aerial Fabric Manual. I re-shot the whole book about 2 years ago and I been sitting on a brand-new version ready for editing. It is tailored for use with teacher training programs. I removed some of the moves that are too advanced for beginners and have added ones that are better.  HOW YOU CAN HELP:  If you have any great moves or programming that works well for beginners, send me your thoughts and ideas for the book. I’d love to have your wisdom shared. (Keep in mind that there will be an entire book devoted to the knot/sling, so that will be it’s very own topic!)
  5. Continue working on the Rope Manual Vol.2. This project has been documented through film and I have all the pictures done. I need to work on the next phase – which is actually writing the text.  HOW YOU CAN HELP: any volunteers to help write it are welcome aboard! You must be familiar with rope.
  6. Continue working on the Aerial Knot/Sling Manual Series. This is another series that I have been working on, but it keeps falling to the bottom of the to-do list. I think this one will take a while because I have so many other things to do, but it is definitely planned!  HOW YOU CAN HELP: do you have favorite moves that you like to teach in the sling? please feel free to share them with us and get credit in the book!
  7. Continue filming Aerial Yoga Sequences that are created by experienced aerial yoga teachers.  HOW YOU CAN HELP: Would you like to see your sequence on this site? Send it along. We pay or trade for goodies.
  8. Start focusing on filming other sequences from silks, hoop, etc.  HOW YOU CAN HELP: Have a sequence that you like? Share it with us. We pay or trade for aerial goodies.
  9. Spend time with other amazing aerialists at retreats at the Marsh Studio. HOW YOU CAN JOIN IN THE FUN: For a list of upcoming retreats, see
  10. Open a real live studio. That’s on my dream list. Maybe one day I’ll get there. All funds from the books continue to go into an account labeled “Aerial Dance Studio.” Every time you make a purchase from this site, my future students thank you.

If you’re still reading (I know long to-do lists kinda stress me out, so that might have scared you away), we are always looking for cool stories and blogs. Consider publishing your next aerial article on this site.

If you haven’t purchased a membership yet, sometime before December 31, 2015 will be a good time to do so. This website is about to get a whole lot more active. To help fund all these upcoming projects, the membership prices will see an increase January 1, 2015. Think of this like kickstarter – only it’s here on this site, ongoing. You get something really cool for your money – you get access to the largest collection of beginning/intermediate aerial moves from 5 genres (silks, hoop, rope, aerial yoga and soon to be trapeze) on the internet!!



We are actively seeking an aerialist who has advertising/graphic design/communication skills. Live and work from home! The only requirements are that you must have a US Social Security Number and have a good phone number to reach you (not an international number).

Job Description: Seeking a friendly aerialist who is passionate about connecting a community to resources. Work 2-3 hours per week online helping spread the word about what has to offer. Opportunity for more hours directly proportional to website growth.

Must be:

  • highly competent with Social Media
  • have basic skills at graphic design to put together announcements, online flyers, e-mail campaign headlines, etc.
  • able to take initiative, create surveys, collect testimonials, and other tasks related to growing an online business.
  • an independent worker, ready to jump on board the mission starting in January 2016.


Pay: $10-$20/hour. Depends on Experience.

For more information or to submit your resume, drop a line to:
